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Registry Mechanic

Registry Mechanic - Программа предназначена для очистки, исправления ошибок, проверки целостности и восстановления реестра. Настройки и управление программой происходит несколькими щелчками мышки. Мастер Восстановления позволит сделать Резервацию реестра и восстановить повреждения и исправить ошибки. Перед Ремонтом можно сделать копию и потом вернуться назад, можно задать Быстрый или Полный Просмотр, присвоить событиям звуковые схемы, вычистить меню Пуск и опции Загрузки, следы удаления в меню Добавить / Удалить программы, просмотреть все установленные и Виртуальные Диски на наличие ошибок, проверить конфигурационные файлы системы и т.п.

Registry Mechanic - the Program is intended for clearing, correction of mistakes, check of integrity and restoration of the register. With Registry Mechanic you can safely clean, repair and optimize the Windows® registry with a few simple mouse clicks! Problems with the Windows® registry are a common cause of Windows® crashes, slow performance and error messages. By using a registry cleaner regularly and fixing registry errors your system should not only be more stable but it will also help improve your system performance without expensive hardware upgrades. Learn more about the importance of a clean registry with our registry insight.

With a few easy steps Registry Mechanic will scan your entire registry for any invalid entries and provides a list of the registry errors found, you can then choose to selectively clean each item or automatically repair them all. For your convenience and protection Registry Mechanic can also make a backup of any repairs made so that you can easily recover any changes if required.

Registry Mechanic uses a high-performance detection algorithm to quickly identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. These problems can occur for many reasons including being left-behind after the un-installation or incorrect removal of software, by missing or corrupt hardware drivers, or orphaned startup programs.

Registry Mechanic Feature Highlights:
- Repair invalid registry entries that are a common cause of Windows crashes and error messages
- Optimize your system by compacting the wasted space and gaps in the registry
- Increase system speed and stability by removing orphaned references
- Scans your hard drive for invalid and incorrect program shortcuts
- Safely make backups of any registry change made by Registry Mechanic
- Works with Windows® 2000 and XP, Windows® Vista™
- Unlimited free upgrades and e-mail technical support for one year

Операционная система: Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista.
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Дом. страница: http://www.pctools.com/registry-mechanic/

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22 июля 2008    Добавил: casper03   Просмотров: 985  Комментарии: 0  

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