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Софт → Belltech Greeting Card Designer v5.3.0

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Belltech Greeting Card Designer v5.3.0

Greeting Card Designer - проектировщик поздравительных открыток Belltech поможет создать поздравительные открытки профессионального качества в течение пары минут и сразу же их напечатать на любом Windows совместимом принтере. С программой идет с множество готовых шаблонов на тему Дня рождения, Свадьбы, Нового года, годовщин, Дня святого Валентина или любого другого случая, а также много иллюстраций и фоновых изображений.

Design personalized cards for Birthdays, Wedding, New Year, anniversaries, Valentine\s Day or any special occasion. The program comes with tons of card templates, clip art, background pictures to get you started. For fast output, you just choose a template, personalize the messages and print, that\s all; Also, use shapes like heart, call-out, moon, sun etc. to make your card even more interesting.

Product Highlights:- Quick and Easy Design: Why bother going to store spending hours looking for a perfect greeting card and then buying something that you don\t like? Use our easy-to-use software to create your perfect greeting card. Choose from readymade greeting, verse and then modify the way you like, select and draw shapes and text; resize, tilt, change color, fill with gradient color or do anything with your design elements to make the right card. And all that in a few minutes.
- Use your own clip-arts, logo and photos: We supply you with many graphics that you can use, but don\t think that it is all you can use. Get your own picture, family photo, clip-art and design the perfect card you want.
- Choose any layout: With is application you can create quarter-fold or half-fold cards. In quarter-fold you also choose create quarter-side-fold or quarter-top-fold cards.
- Use templates and graphics: Don\t know how to start the layout of your card? Use our card templates, background and clip-arts to start with easily. Simple to use yet so powerful!
- Convenient Design tools: Draw rectangle/triangle/circle or use freehand lines and shapes to create callout and lovely designs.
- Stunning Background: Use the supplied backgrounds or use your own. Anything is possible and is easy.
- Use Color blends: This is a unique feature of this greeting card software. You can now have a color blend the way you want, the control is in your hand. Remember, this is not a static background image, but a filled shape whose color-blend and texture you control completely." Possibilities are endless!
- Supports any printing papers: Supports all standard greeting card papers(Half-fold and quarter-fold) from Avery and other suppliers.

Название: Belltech Greeting Card Designer v5.3.0
Год выпуска: 2008
OS: Windows All
Язык Интерфейса: English
Аптечка: есть
Размер файла: 31.84 MB

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3 июля 2008    Добавил: Sars   Просмотров: 797  Комментарии: 0  

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