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Big Clock Pro 1.0

Огромные, легко управляемые и трансформируемые аналоговые часы с датой и сигналом на рабочий стол, для пунктуальных пользователей и работников офиса. Колесом мыши- плавное изменение размера; два щелчка сворачивает в трей и один возвращает на место, а так же половинчатое переключение размера, градации прозрачности, установка будильника, отображение PM-после полудня, три варианта скинов- офисный, вечерний и классический и пр.

This utility displays a big analogue clock on your desktop, and you can adjust its position and size. Three skins are available in the downloadable version: default, night and classic. A programmable alarm, hour beeps and the clock translucency can be set. This clock can be shown in front of all other windows or it can be minimized to tray, and with the mouse wheel you can modify the clock size. Auto run option is also present, and all these settings are saved and restored next time the program is launched.
An analogue desktop clock, big size, high resolution graphics! This program allows you to clearly see the computer time and date. It has in addition some new features, such as a variable size, several skins and a programmable alarm. It can automatically display the PM hours after 12 o'clock and can be placed anywhere on the screen.
This program needs at least a PIII/700 processor, video card with 1024 x 768 pixels and 16 bit color mode, sound system and 15Mb disk space; it works with any version of Windows XP and Vista.
A popup menu appears at a right mouse click anywhere on the clock surface. You can select then:
- half size / full size
- the settings menu
- the clock skin: default / night / classic
- our main website and the registration page link
- the degree of translucency from none to 90%
- the clock position
- normal behavior or if it'll stay on top of the other windows
- minimize it to tray
With the mouse wheel you can adjust the clock window from 750x750 pixels to a tenth of this size.
The clock window can be moved anywhere on your screen with a left button click. A double click will
hide the clock widow. It can be restored with a click on its tray icon.

Размер: 3,4 мб.
crack внутри | tested / проверено | пароля нет

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17 апреля 2008    Добавил: tise   Просмотров: 713  Комментарии: 0  

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