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BPS Spyware & Adware Remover Retail

Программа для удаления с компьютера кейлоггеров, троянов и других вредоносных и шпионских модулей. Утилита сканирует оперативную память, реестр и диски. После того, как тот или иной "вредитель" обнаружен и идентифицирован, можно безопасно удалить его со своего компьютера. В BPS Spyware/Adware Remover включен модуль SpyWatch, который в реальном времени наблюдает за оперативной памятью и реестром, чтобы обнаружить программы, пытающиеся прописать себя в систему, а также блокирует всплывающие окна браузера во время серфинга по Интернет, удаляет "шпионов", входящих в комплект Kazaa, Morpheus, audiogalaxy, grokster, Limewire, Imesh, Gnutella и т.п.

BPS Spyware/Adware Remover is a multi Adware, SpyWare, Trackware, Thiefware & Big Brotherware removal utility with multi-language support. It scans your memory (for active memory ad components, which are not stored on your hard drive and last only as long as the computer is powered up), registry and hard drives for known SpyWare parasites and scum-ware components and lets you remove them safely even ad component DLLs. This tool is great if you value bandwidth, memory, & privacy, it hunts down those SpyWare programs hogging resources and causing conflictions on your computer.

* Scans for almost all SpyWare components out there today!
* Easy to use (just one click of a mouse)
* Scans Running processes (Memory), Registry, Fixed, and removable drives.
* Backup and restore removed items.
* Multi-Language Support
* Ignore List (Found items can be ignored)
* Also features BHO Manager
* Also features Startup Manager
* Is compatible with Windows 9X/ ME/ NT/ 2000/ XP/Vista Windows®

What's New in the last version:
1. The fastest scanning techniques in the market.
2. New amazing easy-to-navigate interface
3. New results design shows all properties of each detected threat.
4. A wide range of actions to perform with detected threats.
5. Manage the infected lists so you can take an action later without performing
a new scan.
6. Quarantine and restore detected spyware.
7. A set of scan options so you can highly customize the program.
8. Instant description (help) for each item in the program. .
9. A System-Wide Real-time system protection.
10. Stops spyware programs before they can run.
11. Monitors the favorite's items and blocks any unwanted additions.
12. Shreds the detected spyware threats files and folders.
13. Scans all user accounts.
14. Protects the Hosts file from modifications
15. Protects the system from malicious LSP Modules
16. Monitors the running services
17. Monitors the ActiveX Installations in Microsoft® Internet Explorer®
18. Monitors the IE toolbars installations
19. Manages the LSP modules installed in your system
20. Manages the startup entries in your system.
21. Manages the Browser Helper Objects in your system
22. Manages the Hosts file entries
23. Manages IE Toolbars
24. Immediately suspend the detected malicious processes

Размер: 5.82 MB (Лекарство не требуется)

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6 апреля 2008    Добавил: casper03   Просмотров: 748  Комментарии: 0  

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