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Новая, многими долгожданная, последняя версия лицензированного клона фантастической Машины Времени, - RollBack Rx, чьи технологии, доселе недоступные, открыли уже сегодня пользователю реальную возможность отказаться от антивирусов, файерволлов и других систем защиты и безопасности компьютера, как будто и не было вирусных и хакерских атак, неправильных и разрушающих действий установленных программ, роковых ошибок самого пользователя или полного краха системы. Итак, никакой головной боли! - EAZ-FIX Professional делая, за 5 сек, снимки системы, позволяет возвращать обратно ее назад, всего за 10 сек, всю, целиком - 100%, т е включая пользовательские данные и настройки, на часы, недели и даже месяцы, и даже в том случае, когда сама Windows уже не загружается.
Предоставляется замечательная возможность извлекать назад из этих моментальных снимков нужные или забытые файлы. Предотвращает и блокирует доступ к компьютеру, если он украден. Перемещает, если необходимо систему с настройками и неповрежденными файлами на новый компьютер и пр. ... Спектр применения программы весьма широк: домашний пользователь, беспокоящийся о деструктивных действиях вирусов и домочадцев, Системщики, которые обязаны постоянно поддерживать компьютеры в рабочем состоянии; Центры тестинга софта, которые нуждаются в частой переустановке программ; Компьютерные Лаборатории, которые всегда должны иметь чистые системы и т д.. EAZ-FIX Professional является на сегодняшний день, самым легким, простым и быстрым продуктом на рынке, для возвращения ситуации назад, в исправное состояние, выбравших его для себя, более чем 1 250 000 пользователями по всему миру. В этой версии произведены серьезные изменения и дополнения, что так же отразилось на увеличении размера дистрибутива. Основное ее отличие от версии 8.0, это окончательное решение вопроса с возможным физическим разрушением диска, возможностью производства бэкапов снимков на внешние носители, включая сетевые и создание самозагрузочных CD/DVD дисков для восстановления файлов из полностью разрушенной системы и ее снимков.
System crashes, file corruptions, virus infections...could take hours to days to repair. EAZ-FIX eliminates the hassles and headaches of troubleshooting common PC problems by instantly returning the PC to hours or days before the onset of the problems. Don't waste your time troubleshooting PC problems!
What is EAZ-FIX (easy fix)?
EAZ-FIX is a PC security and protection software offering PC Rollback, File Recovery, System and Data Security and Drive Imaging solutions.
PC Rollback instantly undo PC problems by reverting the PC back to last hour, yesterday, last week or last month; File Recovery easily restores files from archive snapshots; System and Data Security prevents unauthorized access to system and data even if the PC is stolen, Drive Imaging creates backup image of partitions or hard drives for bare-metal hard drive recovery. EAZ-FIX is the total solution for PC protection.
Who can use EAZ-FIX?
Home Users who are not computer savvy
IT Professionals who need to support PCs
Computer Test Centers which need frequent re-baseline
Computer Labs which always need clean systems
EAZ-FIX in a nutshell
It takes 1 minute to setup EAZ-FIX on a PC
It takes EAZ-FIX 5 seconds to take a snapshot of the PC
Each snapshot contains 100% of system, data, programs and settings
It takes EAZ-FIX 10 seconds to rollback the entire PC to a snapshot
even if Windows fails to load
What can EAZ-FIX be used for?
1. Use EAZ-FIX to restore system to working order even if Windows fails to start up
2. Use EAZ-FIX to recover deleted or corrupted files
3. Use EAZ-FIX to clean up virus and spyware infections
4. Use EAZ-FIX to remove unwanted software installations
5. Use EAZ-FIX to rollback failed software deployment
6. Use EAZ-FIX to reset workstations to desired baseline upon rebooting
7. Use EAZ-FIX to create test beds for software testing
8. Use EAZ-FIX to protect system and data from unauthorized access
9. Use EAZ-FIX to create drive backup images for bare metal recovery
10. Use EAZ-FIX to transfer a computer's entire operating system, with programs and data files intact, to new computers
1. EAZ-FIX does not require hidden partition or reserved space to install.
2. EAZ-FIX continuously protect your PC from any known or unknown software threats.
3. EAZ-FIX can take a new snapshot of PC regardless the hard disk size and system size in less than 5 seconds without interrupting your working process.
4. EAZ-FIX can roll back to a snapshot in less than 10 seconds even if Windows fails to start up.
5. EAZ-FIX can restore your data up to the minute of crash.
6. EAZ-FIX works as if it's not even there, it doesn't require you to do a thing.
7. EAZ-FIX gives you the most for your money. PC Rollback alone is a $50 solution. File recovery alone is a $40 solution. System and Data Security alone is a $50 solution. Drive Imaging alone is a $50 solution. You get all these for a fraction of the money.
8. EAZ-FIX is simply the easiest, fastest and arguably the best PC rollback solution in the market and chosen by over 1,250,000 users world wide.
What's New
The following are new features and updates in EAZ-FIX v8.1:
A new and enhanced drive image feature replacing the snapshot backup feature in EAZ-FIX v8.0.
A new drive image explore feature that allows users to open a drive image file as virtual drive to recover files.
A new feature to dismount virtual drives created for drive image files.
A new media builder feature that allows users to create bootable CD/DVD or ISO files to restore drive image files.
A new drive image restore program based on Linux Live CD.
A new feature for dynamically customizing and loading program interface in other language using a XML file.
Expanded snapshot loading buffer. This greatly improved the speed of auto restore. For example, in v8.0 restore a PC by scheduled task - restore at restart - might take 10 seconds. In v8.1, it only takes 3 seconds.
Compressed current snapshot table to improve system boot up time and system performance (Our internal test reveals 15-40% of performance gain).
Compressed archiving snapshot tables to improve the performance of exploring a snapshot and snapshot defragment.
Added a post-rollback file recovery wizard that prompts user to restore latest data file after rollback to a previous snapshot.
Added a program setting to set the aforementioned post-rollback file recovery wizard.
Improved program logs buffer. In v8.0 when users have a lot of logs, clicking on Event logs could take a while for the program to respond. In v8.1, event logs opens instantly.
Added “Restart Now” or “Restore later” options to the program activation process. If user chooses “Restart later”, EAZ-FIX subsystem will be activated during next restart.
Added “Set system security” user access rights.
Changed the product ID to a shorter all-digits based product ID to better support non-English speaking customers.
Modified EAZ-FIX to auto-detect proxy server settings if the software connects to a remote management console thru a proxy server.
Added a log file, netmsg.txt, to track product activation related issues.
Added a log file, client.dll.log, to track problems related to connecting EAZ-FIX to a remote management console.
Reduced snapshot table’s delay write from 3 minutes to 1 minutes to improve system boot up time.
Change the time format on the Uninstall screen from DD/MM/YY to MM/DD/YY.
What's Fixed
The following are problems and bugs fixed in EAZ-FIX v8.1:
The buttons on Scheduled Tasks screens is missing after change the display DPI to 120 or higher.
Scheduled task - Snapshot at Restart - continues to run after demo has expired.
Scheduled tasks - Event Based Snapshot - continues to run after demo has expired.
Deleting six or more scheduled tasks at once produces a run time error.
EAZ-FIX snapshot table’s delay write causes Windows more prone to boot up problem such as the corruption of c:\windows\system32\config\xxx files after a power-outage or abnormal shutdown. (The problem can be resolved by restoring to a good known snapshot).
EAZ-FIX snapshot table’s delay write causes files more prone to damage after a power-outage or abnormal shutdown. (The problem can be resolved by restoring the files from a good known snapshot).
The combination of the following conditions together could damage EAZ-FIX snapshots other than the baseline snapshot.
A. The computer has a hidden partition.
B. Majority of the hidden partition (70% >) is unused space.
C. The hidden partition is protected by EAZ-FIX.
D. The hidden partition has being opened as a virtual drive by EAZ-FIX snapshot explorer.
E. EAZ-FIX snapshot defragmenter has defragged the hidden partition.
A user with reset-to-baseline-rights logs into EAZ-FIX console and finds Manage Baseline feature is greyed-out.
Windows Vista produces a NT blue screen when entering hibernation.
EAZ-FIX fails to detect SATA hard drive serial number to validate authenticity of license and cause extremely slow boot up.
EAZ-FIX setup fails with the error message “insufficient disk space” when a) the hard drive is larger than 200GB and b) the first 137GB of the hard drive are filled.
Various typo and grammar errors in the program interface.
Known Issues
The following are known issues in EAZ-FIX v8.1 release that will be addressed in later release:
It has been reported by a few beta users that EAZ-FIX might cause Windows Vista PCs unable to hibernate. The reason is unknown. We have seen the problem being fixed by users reinstalling Vista OS on the PC. The practical workaround is to disable hibernation feature on the PCs that's having the problem.
Setup EAZ-FIX on some PCs stops with “update MBR failed” error. EAZ-FIX setup needs to write to the computer’s Master Boot Record (MBR) to install the pre-OS subsystem module. Some other software on the PC is preventing the write to the MBR.
Product Limitations
The following limitations still exist in EAZ-FIX v8.1:
Hard Disk Support – EAZ-FIX can only protect one IDE/SATA/PATA hard drive. If a PC has more than one hard disk, EAZ-FIX will protect the drive designated as the “Primary.” EAZ-FIX does not support SCSI, RAID or MIRROR hard drive configurations.
Server Support – EAZ-FIX is a Windows workstation based product, it is not designed to work on Windows servers.
Booting From an External Media (OS) – EAZ-FIX cannot protect the hard drive when changes are made to the hard drive from an external or foreign (non-Windows) operating system bypassing EAZ-FIX protection drivers. For example, booting from a CD-ROM will start a different OS before EAZ-FIX is loaded, that could change the hard drive without acknowledging the existence of EAZ-FIX snapshots on the hard drive and produce unpredictable results.
Disk Encryption Programs that Intercept Low-Level Disk I/O – EAZ-FIX may conflict with some applications that proxy low-level disk I/O.
Compressed Drives – EAZ-FIX does support NTFS compressed drives (EAZ-FIX does support NTFS file compression).
Dual Boot of Windows and Linux OS on the Same Hard Drive – EAZ-FIX does not support systems that have multiple Windows Operating Systems with non-Windows Operating System (like Linux) loaded on the same hard drive.
Use of Defragmenter Programs – Once installed, EAZ-FIX blocks the use of defragmenter programs. The reason for this is that EAZ-FIX tracks sector change activity, relocates some sectors, and maintains its own map of all sector locations on the hard drive. Defragmentation is the process of locating the noncontiguous sectors of a file and rearranging the sectors and restoring them into fewer sectors. As a result, once EAZ-FIX is installed, the work done by a defragmenter program would not provide the desired result without knowing the sectors used by other snapshots. Thus, defragmenter programs are blocked. The need for a defragmenter varies according to file system and the amount of file creation and update activity on a hard drive. EAZ Solution recommends that defragmentation be done before installing EAZ-FIX. In addition, EAZ-FIX has a build-in defragmenter as the alternative.
O.S. Upgrade - Before upgrading Windows O.S. such as upgrading from Windows XP to Windows Vista, you must first uninstall EAZ-FIX.
Подробнее здесь: http://www.eazsolution.com/en/eazpro.php
Windows XP Professional, Home Edition, or Windows 2000; or Windows Vista
EAZ-FIX Professional is designed for Windows PCs, Do NOT install it on servers!!!
EAZ-FIX.PRO.8.1.0.build.2692837387.Incl.Patch.Inst-Step-by-Step.andy - 29/01/2008
Лекарство в комплекте.
Размер : 58 Mb
7 февраля 2008 Добавил:
Lux Просмотров: 851 Комментарии: 0
Новая, многими долгожданная, последняя версия лицензированного клона фантастической Машины Времени, - RollBack Rx, чьи технологии, доселе недоступные, открыли уже сегодня пользователю реальную возможность отказаться от антивирусов, файерволлов и других систем защиты и безопасности компьютера, как будто и не было вирусных и хакерских атак, неправильных и разрушающих действий установленных программ, роковых ошибок самого пользователя или полного краха системы. Итак, никакой головной боли! - EAZ-FIX Professional делая, за 5 сек, снимки системы, позволяет возвращать обратно ее назад, всего за 10 сек, всю, целиком - 100%, т е включая пользовательские данные и настройки, на часы, недели и даже месяцы, и даже в том случае, когда сама Windows уже не загружается.
Предоставляется замечательная возможность извлекать назад из этих моментальных снимков нужные или забытые файлы. Предотвращает и блокирует доступ к компьютеру, если он украден. Перемещает, если необходимо систему с настройками и неповрежденными файлами на новый компьютер и пр. ... Спектр применения программы весьма широк: домашний пользователь, беспокоящийся о деструктивных действиях вирусов и домочадцев, Системщики, которые обязаны постоянно поддерживать компьютеры в рабочем состоянии; Центры тестинга софта, которые нуждаются в частой переустановке программ; Компьютерные Лаборатории, которые всегда должны иметь чистые системы и т д.. EAZ-FIX Professional является на сегодняшний день, самым легким, простым и быстрым продуктом на рынке, для возвращения ситуации назад, в исправное состояние, выбравших его для себя, более чем 1 250 000 пользователями по всему миру. В этой версии произведены серьезные изменения и дополнения, что так же отразилось на увеличении размера дистрибутива. Основное ее отличие от версии 8.0, это окончательное решение вопроса с возможным физическим разрушением диска, возможностью производства бэкапов снимков на внешние носители, включая сетевые и создание самозагрузочных CD/DVD дисков для восстановления файлов из полностью разрушенной системы и ее снимков.
System crashes, file corruptions, virus infections...could take hours to days to repair. EAZ-FIX eliminates the hassles and headaches of troubleshooting common PC problems by instantly returning the PC to hours or days before the onset of the problems. Don't waste your time troubleshooting PC problems!
What is EAZ-FIX (easy fix)?
EAZ-FIX is a PC security and protection software offering PC Rollback, File Recovery, System and Data Security and Drive Imaging solutions.
PC Rollback instantly undo PC problems by reverting the PC back to last hour, yesterday, last week or last month; File Recovery easily restores files from archive snapshots; System and Data Security prevents unauthorized access to system and data even if the PC is stolen, Drive Imaging creates backup image of partitions or hard drives for bare-metal hard drive recovery. EAZ-FIX is the total solution for PC protection.
Who can use EAZ-FIX?
Home Users who are not computer savvy
IT Professionals who need to support PCs
Computer Test Centers which need frequent re-baseline
Computer Labs which always need clean systems
EAZ-FIX in a nutshell
It takes 1 minute to setup EAZ-FIX on a PC
It takes EAZ-FIX 5 seconds to take a snapshot of the PC
Each snapshot contains 100% of system, data, programs and settings
It takes EAZ-FIX 10 seconds to rollback the entire PC to a snapshot
even if Windows fails to load
What can EAZ-FIX be used for?
1. Use EAZ-FIX to restore system to working order even if Windows fails to start up
2. Use EAZ-FIX to recover deleted or corrupted files
3. Use EAZ-FIX to clean up virus and spyware infections
4. Use EAZ-FIX to remove unwanted software installations
5. Use EAZ-FIX to rollback failed software deployment
6. Use EAZ-FIX to reset workstations to desired baseline upon rebooting
7. Use EAZ-FIX to create test beds for software testing
8. Use EAZ-FIX to protect system and data from unauthorized access
9. Use EAZ-FIX to create drive backup images for bare metal recovery
10. Use EAZ-FIX to transfer a computer's entire operating system, with programs and data files intact, to new computers
1. EAZ-FIX does not require hidden partition or reserved space to install.
2. EAZ-FIX continuously protect your PC from any known or unknown software threats.
3. EAZ-FIX can take a new snapshot of PC regardless the hard disk size and system size in less than 5 seconds without interrupting your working process.
4. EAZ-FIX can roll back to a snapshot in less than 10 seconds even if Windows fails to start up.
5. EAZ-FIX can restore your data up to the minute of crash.
6. EAZ-FIX works as if it's not even there, it doesn't require you to do a thing.
7. EAZ-FIX gives you the most for your money. PC Rollback alone is a $50 solution. File recovery alone is a $40 solution. System and Data Security alone is a $50 solution. Drive Imaging alone is a $50 solution. You get all these for a fraction of the money.
8. EAZ-FIX is simply the easiest, fastest and arguably the best PC rollback solution in the market and chosen by over 1,250,000 users world wide.
What's New
The following are new features and updates in EAZ-FIX v8.1:
A new and enhanced drive image feature replacing the snapshot backup feature in EAZ-FIX v8.0.
A new drive image explore feature that allows users to open a drive image file as virtual drive to recover files.
A new feature to dismount virtual drives created for drive image files.
A new media builder feature that allows users to create bootable CD/DVD or ISO files to restore drive image files.
A new drive image restore program based on Linux Live CD.
A new feature for dynamically customizing and loading program interface in other language using a XML file.
Expanded snapshot loading buffer. This greatly improved the speed of auto restore. For example, in v8.0 restore a PC by scheduled task - restore at restart - might take 10 seconds. In v8.1, it only takes 3 seconds.
Compressed current snapshot table to improve system boot up time and system performance (Our internal test reveals 15-40% of performance gain).
Compressed archiving snapshot tables to improve the performance of exploring a snapshot and snapshot defragment.
Added a post-rollback file recovery wizard that prompts user to restore latest data file after rollback to a previous snapshot.
Added a program setting to set the aforementioned post-rollback file recovery wizard.
Improved program logs buffer. In v8.0 when users have a lot of logs, clicking on Event logs could take a while for the program to respond. In v8.1, event logs opens instantly.
Added “Restart Now” or “Restore later” options to the program activation process. If user chooses “Restart later”, EAZ-FIX subsystem will be activated during next restart.
Added “Set system security” user access rights.
Changed the product ID to a shorter all-digits based product ID to better support non-English speaking customers.
Modified EAZ-FIX to auto-detect proxy server settings if the software connects to a remote management console thru a proxy server.
Added a log file, netmsg.txt, to track product activation related issues.
Added a log file, client.dll.log, to track problems related to connecting EAZ-FIX to a remote management console.
Reduced snapshot table’s delay write from 3 minutes to 1 minutes to improve system boot up time.
Change the time format on the Uninstall screen from DD/MM/YY to MM/DD/YY.
What's Fixed
The following are problems and bugs fixed in EAZ-FIX v8.1:
The buttons on Scheduled Tasks screens is missing after change the display DPI to 120 or higher.
Scheduled task - Snapshot at Restart - continues to run after demo has expired.
Scheduled tasks - Event Based Snapshot - continues to run after demo has expired.
Deleting six or more scheduled tasks at once produces a run time error.
EAZ-FIX snapshot table’s delay write causes Windows more prone to boot up problem such as the corruption of c:\windows\system32\config\xxx files after a power-outage or abnormal shutdown. (The problem can be resolved by restoring to a good known snapshot).
EAZ-FIX snapshot table’s delay write causes files more prone to damage after a power-outage or abnormal shutdown. (The problem can be resolved by restoring the files from a good known snapshot).
The combination of the following conditions together could damage EAZ-FIX snapshots other than the baseline snapshot.
A. The computer has a hidden partition.
B. Majority of the hidden partition (70% >) is unused space.
C. The hidden partition is protected by EAZ-FIX.
D. The hidden partition has being opened as a virtual drive by EAZ-FIX snapshot explorer.
E. EAZ-FIX snapshot defragmenter has defragged the hidden partition.
A user with reset-to-baseline-rights logs into EAZ-FIX console and finds Manage Baseline feature is greyed-out.
Windows Vista produces a NT blue screen when entering hibernation.
EAZ-FIX fails to detect SATA hard drive serial number to validate authenticity of license and cause extremely slow boot up.
EAZ-FIX setup fails with the error message “insufficient disk space” when a) the hard drive is larger than 200GB and b) the first 137GB of the hard drive are filled.
Various typo and grammar errors in the program interface.
Known Issues
The following are known issues in EAZ-FIX v8.1 release that will be addressed in later release:
It has been reported by a few beta users that EAZ-FIX might cause Windows Vista PCs unable to hibernate. The reason is unknown. We have seen the problem being fixed by users reinstalling Vista OS on the PC. The practical workaround is to disable hibernation feature on the PCs that's having the problem.
Setup EAZ-FIX on some PCs stops with “update MBR failed” error. EAZ-FIX setup needs to write to the computer’s Master Boot Record (MBR) to install the pre-OS subsystem module. Some other software on the PC is preventing the write to the MBR.
Product Limitations
The following limitations still exist in EAZ-FIX v8.1:
Hard Disk Support – EAZ-FIX can only protect one IDE/SATA/PATA hard drive. If a PC has more than one hard disk, EAZ-FIX will protect the drive designated as the “Primary.” EAZ-FIX does not support SCSI, RAID or MIRROR hard drive configurations.
Server Support – EAZ-FIX is a Windows workstation based product, it is not designed to work on Windows servers.
Booting From an External Media (OS) – EAZ-FIX cannot protect the hard drive when changes are made to the hard drive from an external or foreign (non-Windows) operating system bypassing EAZ-FIX protection drivers. For example, booting from a CD-ROM will start a different OS before EAZ-FIX is loaded, that could change the hard drive without acknowledging the existence of EAZ-FIX snapshots on the hard drive and produce unpredictable results.
Disk Encryption Programs that Intercept Low-Level Disk I/O – EAZ-FIX may conflict with some applications that proxy low-level disk I/O.
Compressed Drives – EAZ-FIX does support NTFS compressed drives (EAZ-FIX does support NTFS file compression).
Dual Boot of Windows and Linux OS on the Same Hard Drive – EAZ-FIX does not support systems that have multiple Windows Operating Systems with non-Windows Operating System (like Linux) loaded on the same hard drive.
Use of Defragmenter Programs – Once installed, EAZ-FIX blocks the use of defragmenter programs. The reason for this is that EAZ-FIX tracks sector change activity, relocates some sectors, and maintains its own map of all sector locations on the hard drive. Defragmentation is the process of locating the noncontiguous sectors of a file and rearranging the sectors and restoring them into fewer sectors. As a result, once EAZ-FIX is installed, the work done by a defragmenter program would not provide the desired result without knowing the sectors used by other snapshots. Thus, defragmenter programs are blocked. The need for a defragmenter varies according to file system and the amount of file creation and update activity on a hard drive. EAZ Solution recommends that defragmentation be done before installing EAZ-FIX. In addition, EAZ-FIX has a build-in defragmenter as the alternative.
O.S. Upgrade - Before upgrading Windows O.S. such as upgrading from Windows XP to Windows Vista, you must first uninstall EAZ-FIX.
Подробнее здесь: http://www.eazsolution.com/en/eazpro.php
Windows XP Professional, Home Edition, or Windows 2000; or Windows Vista
EAZ-FIX Professional is designed for Windows PCs, Do NOT install it on servers!!!
EAZ-FIX.PRO.8.1.0.build.2692837387.Incl.Patch.Inst-Step-by-Step.andy - 29/01/2008
Лекарство в комплекте.
Размер : 58 Mb
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