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MindSoft Utilities XP 9.5 full

Accelerates. Repairs. Optimizes. Protects.
Mindsoft Utilities XP is designed entirely for the very same purpose. With 18 high performance utilities, MindSoft provides XP users the unique opportunity to pinpoint the problems plaguing their computers and take remedial measures by themselves, along with some very well equipped help from the Mindsoft Utilities XP.

You can speed your PC up in an spectacular way thanks to the new SPC© techonology. Defrag your disk units in a short time. Analyze and repair your hard disks. Recover so much space that your hard disk will look like new. Avoid failures and accelerate your PC as if you had bought more RAM memory. Use the new ActiveMemory© technology to make your system stable. Examine your computer like a real forensic. Locate and find solutions to the typical problems in your computer. Accelerate your Internet connection in an spectacular way thanks to IntelliPackages© technology. Analyze and correct failures in your hard disks. Accelerate your favourite programs speed. Avoid failures in your PC. All this and much more in this new and awaited version of MindSoft Utilities for Windows XP.

MindSoft Utilities XP 9.5 full

Mindsoft Utilities:
* MindSoft Defrag. Optimize your hard disks with this powerful defragmentation tool.
* MindSoft FreRAM. Increase your system performance by cleaning the content of your RAM.
* MindSoft Internet Optimizer. Boost and optimize the speed of your Internet connection with this program.
* MindSoft Maintenance. This program allows you to examine your system in search of problems, and to solve them.
* MindSoft Registry Cleaner. Safely scan and repair registry problems which are a cause of Windows errors and crashes.
* MindSoft Safe Registry. Backup the Registry and Restore it when Windows crashes.
* MindSoft Scandisk. Disk analysis and repair tool that checks your drives for errors and corrects any problems that it finds.
* MindSoft System Restore. Create restoration points making sure you will be able to go back when facing changes in your system.
* MindSoft CleanUp. CleanUp is an advanced hard disk cleaner able to erase useless files in a quick and useful way.
* MindSoft Uninstaller. Uninstaller is a tool created to help you maintain your installed programs.
* MindSoft Undelete. Undelete is an easy to use program that allows you recover deleted files from your hard drives.
* MindSoft Wipe. Erase files and folders in a definitive and secure way. You won’t be able to recover them.
* MindSoft Renamer. Batch rename your files in seconds with our powerful file renamer.
* MindSoft Shelter. Encrypt your files and folders to protect your most valuable information.
* MindSoft Split. Split any file into sections of any size and later reconstruct the sections to form the original file.
* MindSoft StarUp. Control which programs are starting automatically at Windows start up.
* MindSoft System Information. Check the exact elements your PC is made of, use the graphics to have complete control of your equipment.
* MindSoft Shutdown. Schedule hibernation, shut down, logoff, restart, etc. A simple program that will become a must for you.

Homepage - http://www.mindsoftweb.com/en/index.html

Size: 16.0 MB



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20 декабря 2006    Добавил: mr.rook   Просмотров: 1 765  Комментарии: 0  

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