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RoadStarter Boot CD, Bootable tech utilities - ISO - загрузочный диск-сборник отличных программ для спасения Вашего ПК в случае беды море полезных в работе утилит!

1. Windows Workstation XP Live
2. Damn Small LInux LIve
3. Hiren's BootCD
4. NTLDR is Missing Fixer
5. Fix for No Folder Otions/Registry

Roadstarter Boot CD traces its root at The Pearl of the Orient, NCR , in small town where Duck Egg and Alfombra are the main products.
I graduated with a Degree of Computer Engineering at a College in the nearby QUIAPO area, beneath or I can say at the end Of the University Belt near the (White hOuse) of my country.There you will see my Alma MAter rising and many TIPoys and TIPays around. My second language is English and Im very sorry if you are having hard time reading this. I have no job at this moment but Im applying as an IT Techincal Support in various company, (luckily Im still jobless.;o) and spending my time chatting, surfing the net and finding valuable softwares and programs that will widen my skills and knowledge.
If you find this CD helpful,and you also have questions,just email me personnaly at the link above. Im happy you have this one.And thank you to all other Developers where I get the other programs/CD.

Windows Workstation XP Live CD v1.0
Live CD that comes with the August releases of Windows Workstation XP. Fully compatible with VMware Workstation 5 and GSX Server.
This Build: Windows XP Service Pack 2 (5.2.3790.2725.live.060806-0457), Live CD Edition, En-US, 32-bit x86
Master installation Source: Windows Server 2003, Service Pack 2, v.2725 (5.2.3790.2725.dnsrv.060615-2035), En-US, 32-bit x86
Deployment Source: ISO Bootable CD, En-US
Setup Requirements: Setup is not available
Minimal Requirements: 300 Mhz, 128 Mb RAM
Recommended System: 500 Mhz Pentium III or later, 192 Mb RAM

Nero Burning ROM Live / Nero Cache Chooser
Nero Express Live
Microsoft Windows Explorer 6.00.3790.2725 (dnsrv.060615-2035) with XPE Shell 1.0.4
Microsoft Windows Cryptographic Services
Microsoft DirectX 8.1 Version RC 2 non-Debug (Private Build)
Microsoft Managed DirectX 8.1 Version
Microsoft Windows Help System
Microsoft Management Console 3.0
Microsoft Windows Media Player
Microsoft WMI
Microsoft RAM Disk (40 Mb)
Microsoft Remote Desktop Client 5.2
Microsoft Serial Mouse
Microsoft Windows PE scripting Host
Total Commander 6.55
VMware Tools

Network Support: PnP, TCP/IPv4, MsClient, NLA, DHCP
Mass Storage Support: same as Driver Disc

Hiren's BootCD 8.3

Размер: 230 Mb

Скачать|Download RoadStarter Boot CD, Bootable tech utilities - ISO

.Пароль на архив: www.2baksa.net.

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31 августа 2006    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 2 448  Комментарии: 0  

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