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Игры → Street Legal ...:::RIP:::...

Скачать бесплатно Street Legal ...:::RIP:::... Street Legal

There's a very good reason street racing is looked upon with such disdain: It kills and seriously injures hundreds of competitors and innocent bystanders every year. With Street Legal, Hungarian-based developer Invictus offers a far less hazardous alternative--one that attempts to virtually replicate the entire street racing experience, from the car lot to the garage and ultimately to the inherently dangerous urban competitions. To say that it didn't succeed would be a serious understatement. Despite a great concept, an impressively realistic approach, and several moments of hidden glory, Street Legal is clearly one of the most flawed games of 2002. So flawed, in fact, that a 30MB patch has already been released, and another is on the way.
Detailing all that's wrong with Street Legal right out of the box would probably take a while, but suffice it to say that no aspect of the game other than its audio is free of errors and bugs. You'll know something is amiss when you attempt to install and are compelled to wait for five to 10 minutes for the process to complete. And that's if you're lucky. We found ourselves mercilessly booted during install on more than one occasion, and several times during gameplay as well.
As bizarre as the game's installation routine is, navigating through its menus is infinitely more annoying. For some unknown reason, the developer included a ridiculously fast-moving mouse pointer that's difficult to use, especially because each menu item is so dreadfully tiny. As a result, you may be forced to utilize the keyboard for those menus that support it. Unfortunately, some of Street Legal's menus don't.

All of the above pales in comparison with the game's controller support. We auditioned several control devices with Street Legal, including the Saitek Cyborg and Microsoft Precision joysticks, a Logitech Formula Force GP wheel and pedal unit, and a Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Power gamepad. The good news is that the wheel functioned correctly before the patch and both the wheel and the pad functioned after the patch. The bad news is that we were never able to get the game to properly recognize either stick, even after we'd downloaded and installed the massive patch and loaded the game on two separate systems. Your results may vary, but these problems have been acknowledged and are apparently being worked on for the game's next patch. In the interim, many players will have to drive with their keyboards, which just doesn't cut it for serious driving game enthusiasts.


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6 мая 2006    Добавил: Demonxx   Просмотров: 2 015  Комментарии: 1  

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  • #1 DooM      Добавлен: 12 июля 2006 12:46 На сайте с: --   Публикаций: 0   Комментариев: 0   Группа: Гости

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