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Игры → The Stalin Subway - TECHNiC ...:::RIP:::...

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* Pentium IV 2 Ghz
* Win 98/ME/2000/XP
* 512 MB RAM
* 2 GB HDD
* 128 MB RAM Graphic

About The Game :

The Stalin Subway is a realistic first-person shooter which is set in
Stalin's Moscow of fall 1952. Iosif Stalin, the General Secretary of the
Central Committee of the Communist Party of USSR is now 72 years old.
A group of military officials of high rank decides that the Generalissimo is
weak and the power can be taken away from him. But the fear of the Father of
the Nation is still strong, and conspirators choose unusual weapon which can
produce huge destructions and mass deaths...

The events of the game take place in Moscow on the territory of secret
underground objects like subway stations, Kremlin undergrounds, secret
military subway, underground city of Ramenki, and other top-secret and
well-known places.

The lieutenant of MGB (future KGB) Gleb Suvorov gets involved into the
business of highest powers: Now he is against the regime and for his people.
He is in to survive himself and save lives of innocent people.

-> Set in Stalin's era - year 1952
-> Real Moscow locations: Moscow subway stations, Kremlin, Moscow State
-> Secret locations: D6 - secret military subway under Moscow, secret
laboratories, underground shelters, Stalin's bunker
-> Authentic weapons, including rare weapons like anti-tank rifle PTRS-41
-> NPCs reacting emotionally to the environment
-> The ability to ride trains and armed cars inside the Moscow subways and
underground tunnels
-> More than 300 destructible environment objects: from furniture and cases
to the ashtrays and knobs


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16 апреля 2006    Добавил: Demonxx   Просмотров: 1 790  Комментарии: 0  

Похожие новости

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