Скачать бесплатно HEAVYWEIGHT THUNDER.
Undeafeated. Undisputed. Untouchable. You are the Heavyweight Champion of the world. You've earned the right to strut your stuff, because when it comes time to put up or shut up, nobody does it better.So go ahead: Cop the clothes. Rock the cars. Flaunt the jewels. Live large, and never look back.The ladies love it. The fans demand it. And as soon as you step inside the ring, boom: it's all over.
Because this is your life. Your moment. Your game. This is HEAVYWEIGHT THUNDER.
FIRST-PERSON FIGHTING - Get up close and personal with 10 of the globe’s top-ranked contenders at 6 stunning locales including bars and blockbuster arenas. For the first time ever, you’ll learn what it’s like to rearrange rivals’ faces from a boxer’s perspective. Over-the-shoulder and landscape views also available.
REVOLUTIONARY CONTROLS - Patent-pending SimuPunch™ swing system makes you the star! Moving the mouse produces spectacular results such as body blows, uppercuts and killer combos. The action’s so intense, you’ll be sweating bullets.
MONEY TALKS - What good is fame without the perks? Make millions in a day and spend your newfound fortune on mansions, vacations, luxury vehicles, exotic pets, foxy ladies and more. But beware… success comes at a high price.
ENDLESS REPLAY VALUE – Create your own badass bruiser or boxing league using the game’s built-in editor, then trade creations with fellow fans over the Internet. The possibilities are as infinite as the scope of your imagination.
3 апреля 2006 Добавил:
Demonxx Просмотров: 1 422 Комментарии: 0
Undeafeated. Undisputed. Untouchable. You are the Heavyweight Champion of the world. You've earned the right to strut your stuff, because when it comes time to put up or shut up, nobody does it better.So go ahead: Cop the clothes. Rock the cars. Flaunt the jewels. Live large, and never look back.The ladies love it. The fans demand it. And as soon as you step inside the ring, boom: it's all over.
Because this is your life. Your moment. Your game. This is HEAVYWEIGHT THUNDER.
FIRST-PERSON FIGHTING - Get up close and personal with 10 of the globe’s top-ranked contenders at 6 stunning locales including bars and blockbuster arenas. For the first time ever, you’ll learn what it’s like to rearrange rivals’ faces from a boxer’s perspective. Over-the-shoulder and landscape views also available.
REVOLUTIONARY CONTROLS - Patent-pending SimuPunch™ swing system makes you the star! Moving the mouse produces spectacular results such as body blows, uppercuts and killer combos. The action’s so intense, you’ll be sweating bullets.
MONEY TALKS - What good is fame without the perks? Make millions in a day and spend your newfound fortune on mansions, vacations, luxury vehicles, exotic pets, foxy ladies and more. But beware… success comes at a high price.
ENDLESS REPLAY VALUE – Create your own badass bruiser or boxing league using the game’s built-in editor, then trade creations with fellow fans over the Internet. The possibilities are as infinite as the scope of your imagination.
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