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WebcamXP Pro Build 2530 Multilanguage

Мощная программа для работы с веб-камерами (поддерживает до 100 камер), позволяющая предоставить доступ к вашей камере (вернее, к видеопотоку) любому пользователю без установки на компьютер специального серверного программного обеспечения. Довольна проста в настройке: в Webcam XP Pro имеются все необходимые утилиты, поэтому потребуется настроить всего несколько параметров, а именно указать порт сервера и путь к локальной директории. Кроме видеокартинки, сполучаемой с веб-камер, можно использовать видео, которое передаётся по локальной сети.

webcamXP is a powerful webcams and ip cameras management and streaming software for private and professional use. It offers unique features and unequaled ease of use to let you broadcast and manage multiple video sources on the same computer. It is the perfect tool to secure your goods and to easily manage users' accesses.
This is our brand new webcamXP 5 project. It has a simpler interface, provides better performances, includes additional features and is now replacing webcamXP 2008 which was quite heavy for most systems. webcamXP 5 has been specially designed for Vista and it also works on Windows XP, 2003 and 2008 Server.

webcamXP Free is the basic product for home-users. It lets you to stream via HTTP, Windows Media or to upload via FTP/FTPS or HTTP/HTTPS Post. It also lets you add overlays / watermarks over your video streams and the basic features such as capturing or recording at fixed interval. This version is ideal for putting live webcam on your web page and is robust for 24/7 broadcasting. Supports a single video source.

webcamXP Private is already more advanced and beside the multiple video sources support is also offers the possibility to filter by IP and to manage who can access your video streams smartly. You can limit users in view time and don't have to worry about your privacy. Supports up to 5 video sources.

webcamXP PRO is the most advanced version of the software. It has all the features of the Private version and supports and includes the motion detector (optical and/or acoustic detectors), the advanced аlеrts manager, the ability to log traffic to files and the digital video recorder (permanent recording). It's the perfect solution for advanced security purposes at low cost. Supports unlimited number of video sources.

supported devices:
- usb webcams (WDM driver required)
- tv, analog or multi-input capture cards (WDM driver required)
- ip cameras (JPEG/MJPEG/MPEG4)
- Windows Media streams (ASF)
- local video files (AVI/WMV/MP4/MOV/...)

supported streaming modes:
- still jpeg images for low-tech devices
- flash client (compatible with most operating systems and handheld devices)
- javascript clients (MJPEG or JPEG PUSH)
- Windows Media streaming

additional key features:
- run as service new !
- local and remote pan & tilt control (Logitech Orbit, Creative LiveMotion! and IP cameras).
- supports FTP/FTPS and HTTP/HTTPS Post
- motion detector (optical or acoustic) with many possible ways to handle аlеrts (local recording, ftp, http post, launch external applications)
- advanced users manager to grant limited or unlimited access.
- overlay editor supporting picture in picture, animated gifs, alpha-blending and text editor.
- DVR (permanent recording deleted after X hours)

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6 июня 2009    Добавил: Hengmen   Просмотров: 770  Комментарии: 0  

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